Check information on the censuses conducted by the INEI

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National Economic Censuses

A statistical research that comprises a set of activities aimed at collecting data from companies and establishments at a given time.

  • It provides information classified by economic activity and by geographical area on the characteristics of the country's economic units, number of companies and establishments, number of staff occupied, remunerations and others.
  • Research universe for the design of ongoing economic surveys.
  • Contribute to the generation of economic policies and private strategy.

4th National Economic Census - 2008

Del 16 de junio al 30 de agosto del 2008 se realizaron las actividades censales y se empadronaron a 1 millón 224 mil 417 establecimientos a nivel nacional, de los cuales 509 mil 529 se encuentran en el área de Lima y Callao y 714 mil 888 en el resto del país. 

3rd National Economic Census 1993 - 1994

Se realizaron las actividades censales y se empadronaron 389 mil 675 establecimientos a nivel nacional.