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Check results of the 2017 National Census


This census was executed on October 22 in the urban area and in the rural area, from October 23 to November 6, 2017, starting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; without an established time for them to visit the homes, in accordance with the established in the Supreme Decree No. 062-2017-PCM.

In addition, a Special Registration was conducted the week before October 22, 2017 for people who worked on the day of the census at companies or institutions of 20 or more persons, doing activities that could not be paralyzed. For example, water, light, telephony, firefighter companies and similar companies.

Main Results of the 2017 Census

  • The total population of the country amounted to 31 million 237 thousand 385, of which 29 million 381 thousand 884 persons, represent the population registered on October 22, 2017; and 1 million 855 thousand 501 inhabitants, correspond to the omitted population that was calculated through the Survey of Census Assessment, equivalent to an omission rate of 5.94%.
  • The registered population of the urban area of the country totalized 23 million 311 thousand 893 inhabitants, which represent 79.3% of the national total while, in the rural area totalized 6 million 69 thousand 991 persons were registered and represent 20.7%.
  • According to the results of the 2017 National Censuses: 12th Population, 7thHousing and 3rd Indigenous Communities Census, 94 thousand 922 populated centers were identified, in the national territory.
  • In the Coastal region, it was 17 million 37 thousand 297 inhabitants, that is, 58.0%. In the Peruvian highland 8 million 268 thousand 183 inhabitants (28.1%) and in the Peruvian jungle 4 million 76 thousand, 404 inhabitants (13.9%).
  • Peru’s male population totaled 14 o 5.8% of the population aged 15 and older is illiterate.million 450 thousand 757 men (49.2%), and the female population was 14 million 931 thousand 127 women (50.8%).
  • 5.8% of the population aged 15 and older is illiterate.
  • 75.5% of the population had health insurance.