Launch of book “The Diary of Thomas Rowcroft"

Nota Informativa

1 de noviembre de 2023 - 1:00 p. m.

The Embassy of Peru and the British Peruvian Cultural Association presented the book “The Diary of Thomas Rowcroft, British Consul in Peru, 1824” in London, both at the prestigious Royal Over-Seas League and at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, as part of the programme commemorating 200 years of relations between Peru and UK.

The publication is an invaluable account of Rowcroft’s journey after his appointment as British Consul General in Peru and therefore the first British diplomatic representative in the country, an event that would mark, 200 years later, the official date of the establishment of relations between both countries.

The completion of this work was possible thanks to the collaboration between the British-Peruvian Cultural Association -BRITANICO- and the Embassy, as well as the participation of coeditors, Father Alban McCoy and Mauricio Novoa; and entailed profound research at the Bodleian Library, among other sources.