PROINVERSION Investment roadshow in London

Nota Informativa

25 de setiembre de 2023 - 1:00 p. m.

On the 25th of September, a delegation from the Peruvian Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment -PROINVERSION- visited London to showcase the project portfolio under the modality of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). This roadshow was organized with the support of the Embassy of Peru in the United Kingdom.

The delegation was composed of Denisse Miralles, Director of Decentralized Investments, Nancy Zedano, Director of Health Sector Projects, and Renzo Rojas, Director of Electricity Projects. The programme began with a round table with potential investors, organized in collaboration with British Expertise.

Then, the delegation held individual meetings with potential bidders, including construction and consulting companies, interested in the different areas of the project portfolio, such as sanitation, electricity, education, transportation and telecommunications, among others.

As a final part of the program, PROINVERSIÓN offered a conference, which was opened by the Ambassador of Peru to the United Kingdom, Juan Carlos Gamarra. Then, Mr. Rojas provided an overview of the macroeconomic landscape in Peru, with emphasis on the favorable macroeconomic aspects and the solid legal framework for foreign direct investment in Peru; followed by the presentation by Mrs. Miralles, who presented the current PROINVERSION portfolio.

This roadshow was an excellent opportunity to promote Peru as a highly attractive and competitive investment destination.