Opening of the exhibition “Peruvian Hats" in London

Nota Informativa

5 de octubre de 2023 - 1:00 p. m.

Opening and private view of the exhibition “Peruvian Hats", by the British photographer Paula Chandon.
At the event, the artist showed visitors an exciting and creative combination of inspired photography of a very nice and complex expression of the Peruvian culture: the hats; their different styles, the meaning imbedded and the ways people wear them in the different regions of Peru.
We cordially invite you to visit this exhibition, in the hope that it will enrich your curiosity about Peru and its different cultural expressions. Doors will be open until 5th October, Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Inca Garcilaso room at the Embassy of Peru.