Diálogos del Bicentenario - Programa de Promoción Cultural

La Embajada del Perú, en colaboración con ULatin TV UK, se complace en presentar una serie de podcast preparados para celebrar el Bicentenario de la Independencia del Perú. Dichos podcasts incluyen los hechos que definieron y dieron inicio a nuestra vida republicana.
Encuentre la serie de podcasts en nuestra cuenta oficial de Youtube:
Video 1: Bicentennial Dialogues: “The beginning of Independence processes in the Americas”.
Video 2: Bicentennial Dialogues - Part 2: "Women and Independence in Peru”, by Catherine Davies.
Video 3: Bicentennial Dialogues (3rd Part) "Trade-offs between representation and taxation in Spanish America".
Video 4: Bicentennial Dialogues (4) "The Landing of San Martín in the Bay of Paracas”, by Natalia Sobrevilla.
Video 5: Bicentennial Dialogues 5: "Liberating Expeditions and the Proclamation of Independence"
Video 6: Bicentenial Dialogues (Part5) "María Parado de Bellido" by Prof. Natalia Sobrevilla
Video 7: Bicentennial Dialogues (6) "Junín and Ayacucho Battles" by Silvia Escanilla.
Encuentre la serie de podcasts en nuestra cuenta oficial de Youtube:
Video 1: Bicentennial Dialogues: “The beginning of Independence processes in the Americas”.
Video 2: Bicentennial Dialogues - Part 2: "Women and Independence in Peru”, by Catherine Davies.
Video 3: Bicentennial Dialogues (3rd Part) "Trade-offs between representation and taxation in Spanish America".
Video 4: Bicentennial Dialogues (4) "The Landing of San Martín in the Bay of Paracas”, by Natalia Sobrevilla.
Video 5: Bicentennial Dialogues 5: "Liberating Expeditions and the Proclamation of Independence"
Video 6: Bicentenial Dialogues (Part5) "María Parado de Bellido" by Prof. Natalia Sobrevilla
Video 7: Bicentennial Dialogues (6) "Junín and Ayacucho Battles" by Silvia Escanilla.