PERU´S ACTION DIALOGUE The role of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in international co-operation and sustainable recovery: analysis and cases from Peru


2 de setiembre de 2022

This outcome document set outs a series of recommendations for implementing innovative cooperation schemes, such as multi-stakeholders partnerships. Thus, it recognizes the potential and contribution of the various development actors, particularly the private sector, in the current context of the country´s sustainable and inclusive recovery post-pandemic and in coherence with the commitments of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the principles of Effective Development Cooperation. It is important to highlight that this document is based on a reflection resulting from the multi-stakeholder space created by the Action Dialogue, held virtually on June 9, 2022, under de organization and leadership of APCI with the support of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Coo-operation (GPEDC) and UNDP Peru.

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Alianzas Multiactor


Vista preliminar de documento Peru Action Dialogue Outcome Document (ENG).pdf

Peru Action Dialogue Outcome Document (ENG).pdf

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