Production of Mining and Hydrocarbons grew 2.60% in March of 2024

Nota de prensa

1 de May de 2024 - 10:00 a. m.

During March of 2024, the Mining and Hydrocarbons sector increased in 2.60%, compared to the same month of the year 2023, explained by the positive performance of the metal-mining activity in 4.00%; meanwhile, the hydrocarbons subsector decreased in 5.31%. This was informed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), in the technical report Conjunctural Progress of the Economic Activity.
This favorable behavior was based in the increase of the production of molybdenum (16,8%), zinc (8.7%), gold (7.6%) and copper (0.9%), mainly. Meanwhile, in the hydrocarbon’s subsector influenced the lower volume of exploitation of natural gas (-7.3%), crude oil (-5.9%) and liquids of natural gas (-3.6%).
The production of Fishing sector reduced in 32.48%
During the third month of this year, the Fishing sector decreased 32.48% explained by the lower extraction of maritime origin species (-35.97%), due to the lower landing destined to the direct human consumption (-36.12%), of species destined to be frozen (-63.1%), destined to the preparation of canning (-47.6%) and for preparation of curing (-7.0%); nevertheless, it increased the landing for consumption in fresh state (4.9%). 
On the other hand, the fishing for indirect human consumption (anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil) registered an extraction of 800 tons, that against the 28 tons of March 2023 showed an increase of 772 tons. 
The fishing of continental origin contracted 13.2% due to the effect of the lower extraction of species for consumption in fresh, frozen state and preparation for curing.
Domestic cement consumption decreased in 7.00%
The INEI informed that the domestic cement consumption decreased in 7.00%, explained by the lower dynamism in the execution of private Works; as well as the adverse weather events reported in some areas of the country.
Investment Expenditure of the Central Government increased in 10.68%
During March of the current year, the Investment Expenditure of the Central Government (S/4,261 million) grew in 10.68%, compared to the same month of the last year, based mainly in the increase of investment of machinery and equipment, as well as the greater execution of construction works.
In the first sector (machinery and equipment), the increase was registered in the national, regional and local area. And in the second sector (public construction) it was observed an increase in the regional government area.
On the other hand, the consumption expenditure of the General Government, in nominal terms totalized S/ 9,175 million, a lower figure in 1.75%, compared to the same month of the last year.
Granting of mortgage credits for households and for consumption registered a growing trend
During March of 2024, the mortgage credits totalized S/ 64,109 million, registering a growth of 5.22% compared to March of 2023. The same trend was registered the granting of consumption credits that totalized S/ 72,943 million, increasing in 2.57%, compared to the same month of the last year.
On the other hand, it showed a negative behavior the credits granted to big, medium and microenterprises that totalized S/ 208,734 million, decreasing in 5.68%, compared to the same month of 2023.
Likewise, the placement of credit cards of the multiple banking was placed in 6,273 thousand units, reducing in 4.90% compared with the same month of the last year.
The total imported amount decreased in 5.2%
With the information available as of April 18 of 2024, in March of this year, the total imported amount was of US$ 4,285 million and contracted 5.25%, compared to the value registered in the third month of the year 2023.
In addition, the purchase of raw materials and intermediate products reduced (US$ 2,161 million) with a decrease of 6.63%, followed by the purchase of capital goods and construction materials that totalized US$ 1,200 million, and lower amount in 7.07%, compared to the level reached in the same month of the year 2023. Nevertheless, the imported amount in consumption goods (US$ 921 million), registered a slight increase of 0.51%.
Electricity subsector increased 2.70% during April of this year
With preliminary information, as of April 29 of the current year, the generation of electricity increased in 2.70%, as a result of the greater generation of hydroelectric origin energy (11.1%) and renewable energies (53.1%); meanwhile, the generation of thermoelectric origin energy reduced (-19.6%).
Among the companies that outstood by its greater production were Empresa de Generación Huanza, Fénix Power Perú, Energía Renovable del Sur S.A., Energía Eólica S.A., Egasa, Enel Generación Perú S.A.A., Electroperú S.A., Orazul Energy Perú and Statkraft Perú S.A.