More than 37 thousand Serenazgo members offered city security service

Nota de prensa

9 de April de 2024 - 9:53 a. m.

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) informed that according to the results of the 2023 National Register of Municipalities (RENAMU), in the municipalities of the country work 295 thousand workers. From this total, 37,006 provide Serenazgo (Municipal security service) service, of which the 20.8% are women (7 thousand 682) and 79.2% are men (29 thousand 324).
The greater concentration of Serenazgo members is located in Lima Metropolitan area, with 41.2% of the national total, followed by La Libertad (5.5%), Cusco (5.4%) and Constitutional Province of Callao (4.8%).
It is worth to mention that, the 2023 RENAMU collected information of 196 provincial municipalities, 1 thousand 695 district municipalities and 2 thousand 897 municipalities of populated centers, for the purpose of obtaining management indicators of municipalities, province and district that support the planification and the suitable decision making for the regional and local development.
At national level, the municipalities have more than 14 thousand operational video security cameras units
During the year 2023, the municipalities of the country that offered the Serenazgo service had 14 thousand 722 operational video security cameras units, which, the greater number was located in Lima Metropolitan area (6 thousand 578), followed by the department of Arequipa (1 thousand 129), Constitutional Province of Callao (992) and the department of Cusco (739).
40 out of 100 municipalities, have constituted the Operation Center of Local Emergency
During the 2023, 39.9% (755) of provincial and district municipalities that had de municipalities had constituted the Operation Center of Local Emergency (COEL). Of these municipalities, 56.7% (428) indicated that the COEL is covered inside the organic structure of the municipality; 43.3% (327) informed that the COEL is not inside the organic structure.
Seven out of 10 municipalities provide the service of Municipal Ombudsmen's offices of Girls, Boy and Adolescent
72.1% (1 thousand 363) of municipalities informed that during the year 2022 attended 270 thousand 743 cases in the Municipal Ombudsmen’s, being the most frequently the cases related with foods (21.1%). Followed by legal specialized consultancy (19.4%), psychology specialized consultancy (17.2%), visit arrangements (12.4%), tenure of sons or daughters (12.0%), among the main ones.
Municipalities granted more than 95 thousand operating licenses for establishments for business establishments
During the year 2022, 50.8% (961) of municipalities at national level, totalized 95 thousand 461 operating licenses for establishments within their jurisdiction. From the total of licenses, the greater quantity of authorizations was granted for services sector, with 48.8% (46 thousand 589), being the licenses, more issued those of restaurants and other establishments of foods and beverages, reaching a total of 19 thousand 933.
On the other hand, the commerce sector represented the 46.8% (44 thousand 667), granting mainly 17 thousand 235 licensees for wine cellars and other supplying establishments of groceries.
For establishments of handicrafts and manufacturing were expended 3 thousand 904 licensees and for agricultural activities were granted other 301 licensees.
9 out of 10 municipalities, provide the service of collection of solid waste
During the year 2022, 97.5% (1 thousand 844) of municipalities fulfilled the service of solid waste collection, reached in daily average 25 thousand 70 tons of solid residues; it means 0.8 Kg. per inhabitant.
From the total of municipalities that offers the mentioned service, 83.2% (1 thousand 534) deposited all or part of them in a dump site, 31.3% (577) intended for recycling, 16.4% (302) intended to be deposited in a landfill site and 8.5% (157) burned or incinerated, among the most frequent final destinations.
Nine out of 10 municipalities have Internet service
During the year 2023, 96.1% (1 thousand 817) of municipalities had Internet service. Likewise, the number of computers with access to this service totalized 93 thousand 445, registering an average of 49 computers per municipality with access to the Internet
According to type of connection, 42.4% (771) of municipalities that had access to Internet service used optical fiber cable, 24.2% (440) preferred to use the wireless broadband (wi-fi), 15.4% (280) of municipalities opted for a satellite connection, 9.6% (175) did it through the mobile broadband (Modem, USB) and 8.3% (151) through a digital line (ADSL, DSL).