Traffic flow of vehicles at national level increased 3.6% in January of 2024

Nota de prensa

24 de March de 2024 - 3:03 p. m.

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), informed that during the month of January of 2024, the National Rate of Vehicular Flow the one that reports the movement of light-duty and heavy-duty units through the tollbooths of the country grew 3.6% compared with the same month of 2023.

In the technical report, Vehicular Flow by Tollbooths indicates that the monthly result was based in the greater traffic flow of light-duty vehicles (5.6%) and heavy-duty vehicles (0.7%). It is worth to mention that during the last twelve months (February 2023 - January 2024), increased in 2.4%.
Traffic flow of light duty units grew 5.6%   
During the first month of the current year, the traffic flow of light-duty vehicles registered in through the tollbooths of the country increased in 5.6%, influenced by the start of the 2024 summer season and the vacations of students that allowed to perform recreational and touristic activities at national level.
The tollbooths that registered the greatest traffic flow were: In the north: San Martín (Moyobamba 108.1%, Aguas Claras 20.0% and Pongo 3.1%), La Libertad (Virú 23.2%, Chicama 3.6% and Pacanguilla 2.9%), Áncash (Huarmey 13.5%), Cajamarca (Pomahuaca-Pucará 10.1%), Lambayeque (Diversion Olmos 8.9%) and Piura (Chulucanas 4.3%).
In the center: Lima (Serpentine of Pasamayo 31.5%, Corcona 16.8%, Fortaleza 14.5%, Variant of Pasamayo 10.2% and El Paraíso 3.3%) and Junín (Quiulla 15.2% and Casaracra 1.1%); and in the south Puno (Santa Lucía 453.5%), Arequipa (Patahuasi 195.6%, Uchumayo-Concesión 59.4% and Matarani-Concesión 47.2%), Moquegua (Pampa Cuéllar 144.7% and Ilo 44.1%), Ica (Marcona 93.1% and Jahuay Chincha 34.2%) and Ayacucho (Pampa Galera 11.4%).
Traffic flow of heavy-duty vehicles increased in 0.7%
During the month of January of 2024, the traffic flow of heavy-duty vehicles reported a slight increase of 0.7% compared with the same month of 2023.This behavior was supported in the greater demand of this transportation service in Construction, Mining and Commerce; which was attenuated due to negative performance of the Manufacturing, Agriculture and Fishing activities, related to the low production due to the effect of the climate change.
The tollbooths with greater traffic flow were: In the north, San Martín (Moyobamba 27.4% and Aguas Claras 10.1%), Piura (Loma Larga Baja 18.2%), Áncash (Huarmey 6.6%), La Libertad (Virú 5.3%), Lambayeque (Diversion Olmos 2.4%) and Cajamarca (Pomahuaca-Pucará 1.3%); in the center, Lima (Variant of Pasamayo 21.8%, Serpentine of Pasamayo 6.8%, Fortaleza 5.4%, Corcona 5.3% and El Paraíso 4.8%) and Junín (Quiulla 18.0%); and in the south, Puno (Santa Lucía 542.5%), Moquegua (Pampa Cuéllar 351.1% and Ilo 35.0%), Arequipa (Patahuasi 197.1%, Uchumayo-Concesión 66.4% and Matarani-Concesión 13.7%), Ica (Marcona 64.8%, and Jahuay Chincha 35.6%) and Ayacucho (Pampa Galera 26.6%).
Traffic flow of heavy vehicles for loading of 3 to 7 axle slightly grew 0.1%
In January of 2024, the traffic flow of heavy vehicles for loading of 3 to 7 axle reported a slight increase of 0.1% compared to the same month of 2023, due to the greater traffic flow of vehicles, such as trailers, semi-trailers and heavy vehicles for loading of 3 axle (7.8%); meanwhile, it decreased the traffic flow of vehicles of 4 axle (-1.2%), 5 axle (-1.3%), 6 axle (-3.8%) and 7 axle (-4.6%).