Total volume exported of goods grew 13.1% in January 2024

Nota de prensa
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12 de March de 2024 - 11:14 a. m.

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics INEI informed that in January of 2024, the total volume exported of goods increased in 13.1%, compared to the same month of the year 2023, due to greater shipments of traditional products (14.4%) and non-traditional products (10.8%).
Through the technical report Evolution of Exports and Imports, prepared by the INEI with the administrative records of the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT), the traditional shipments were driven by the dynamism of the agricultural sectors in 54.7% such as coffee (51.7%) and sugar (127.6%). In the mining sector, with a growth of 18.7%, outstood the greater shipments of copper (16.9%), gold (81.8%), lead (26.2%), iron (1.7%), molybdenum (8.3%) and tin (88.0%).
Export volume of non-traditional products increased by 10.8%
The export volume of non-traditional products increased by 10.8% compared with the same month of the last year; in the result of the month under analysis outstood the incidence of the agricultural (16.9%), iron and steel industries (35.2%) and chemical (34.6%) sectors.
The agricultural sector reported the greater demand of blueberries (106.5%), raw cacao (81.7%), avocados (74.6%) and paprika (125.0%). Among the iron and steel products were unalloyed zinc (67.2%), refined copper wire (53.5%), iron bar or non-alloy steel with indentations and ribs (29.2%), as well as plates and refined copper strips (91.0%).
The exports of the chemical sector grew as a result of greater shipments of zinc oxide (3.8%); lemon essential oils (292.6%); plates, sheets, films and strips of polymers of ethylene (50.2%) and sulfuric acid (8.5%). 
Total imports increased in 12.8%
During January of 2024, the imports increased in 12.8%, compared to the same month of the last year, due to the greater acquisition of capital goods and construction materials (16.3%), raw materials and intermediate products (13.2%) and consumption goods (7.7%).
Volume imported of capital goods and construction materials increased by 16.3%
The volume imported of capital goods and construction materials grew in 16.3%, as a result of the greater purchases in the following line items: transportation equipment (19.7%), construction materials (16.3%) and capital goods for industry (16.1%).  
Among the transportation equipment that registered positive results were: pneumatics used in vehicles and construction and mining machines (45.5%), diesel vehicles for transportation of goods with load greater than 20 tons (33.2%), among others. 
Likewise, the positive result in the import of construction materials was due to the greater consumption of non-alloy iron or steel bar with indentations and ribs (109.1%) and ceramic tiles with water coefficient absorption lower or equal to 0.5% (27.2%). 
Likewise, the import of capital goods for industry increased due to the greater acquisition of Smart phones (28.7%), devices of digital telecommunication (2.6%), machines which superstructure can rotate 360° (83.1%), power shovels, bulldozers and wheel loaders (37.6%), machine parts to classify, grind, earth, stone or solid mineral (57.5%), parts of machines for elevation, excavation, flatten and levelling (4.6%), among the main ones.
Purchase of raw material and intermediate products grew in 13.2%
The volume imported of raw material and intermediate products increased in 13.2%, compared to the same month of the last year, before the greater demand of raw material and intermediate products for industry (26.7%) and raw materials and intermediate products for agriculture (15.9%).
The growth in raw materials and intermediate products for the industry was due to the greater domestic consumption of hard yellow corn (82.8%), wheat other than seed (103.1%), waste and scrap of iron or steel (106.7%), minerals of silver and its concentrates (80.0%), flat laminated products of iron or steel (106.7%), among others. Also grew the imports of raw materials and intermediate products for agriculture such as oilcakes and solid waste of the extraction of soybean oil (5.7%).
On the other hand, the purchase of fuels, lubricants and allied products decreased (-11.5%), due to the lower purchases of diesel B5 (-40.5%), diesel B2 (-51.8%) and gasoline without tetra ethylene for automobiles (-62.9%).

Volume imported of consumption goods increased by 7.7%
During the month under study, the import of consumption goods grew by 7.7%, compared to January of 2023, due to the increase in the volume of purchases of non-durable consumption goods (22.5%).
This greater demand was driven by the acquisition of medicines for human use (49.9%), other footwear (60.2%), medicines for oncologic or HIV treatment (39.5%), milk and cream concentrated in powder, granulated or solid (41.7%), among the main ones. Nevertheless, the purchases of durable consumption goods showed an unfavorable behavior by -9.1%, due to the lower purchase of automobiles (-26.4%), motorcycles (-1.5%) and coins, game pieces operated game slots or similar articles (-53.0%).