Employed population in Lima Metropolitan area grew 4.7% in the quarter August September-October of 2023

Nota de prensa
Empleo Lima

15 de November de 2023 - 10:06 a. m.

In the mobile quarter August-September-October of 2023 compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2022, the employed population in Lima Metropolitan area increased by 4.7% (233 thousand 400 persons) and compared with the same quarter of the year 2019 by 6.0% (296 thousand persons). This was informed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) in the technical report Situation of the Labor Market in Lima Metropolitan area, prepared with the results of the Permanent Survey of National Employment (EPEN).
In the mobile quarter under analysis, the employed population reached 5 million 227 thousand 600 persons, of which 53.3% (2 million 981 thousand 800) are men and the 46.7% (2 million 612 thousand 400) women. The female employed population grew by 7.6% (170 thousand 900 persons); meanwhile the male employed population grew by 2.3% (62 thousand 500 persons), compared to the same quarter of the year 2022.  
The employed population aged 45 years old and over increased by 13.9%
According to age groups, the employed population increased 13.9% (238 thousand 100 persons) in the population aged 45 years old and older and in the population from 25 to 44 years old increased in 0.8% (21 thousand 200 persons); meanwhile, the employed population under 25 years old decreased by 3.6% (26 thousand persons).
The employed population with university superior education increased by 9.1%
During the mobile quarter under analysis, the employed population with university superior education grew by 9.1% (129 thousand persons), followed by those that reached to study a non-university education level by 8.2% (85 thousand persons). Then it follows those that have elementary education or lower education level by 3.4% (11 thousand 800 persons) and finally those that studied high-school education level by 0.3% (7 thousand 400 persons). 
Commerce and Services sectors led the job creation
The employed population increased in Commerce by 11.2% (121 thousand 300 persons) and Services sectors by 6.1% (168 thousand 700 persons). Meanwhile, in Construction decreased by 2.7% (-10 thousand 800 persons) and Manufacturing by 4.7% (-32 thousand persons). 
Population with suitable employment reached 3 million 102 thousand 400 persons, in Lima Metropolitan area. 
In the mobile quarter August-September-October of 2023, the population with suitable employment increased by 4.9% (144 thousand 200 persons); meanwhile, compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2019, decreased by 3.4% (-108 thousand 300 persons). On the other hand, the underemployed population grew by 4.4% (89 thousand 200 persons), compared with the same quarter of the year 2022 and in 23.5% (404 thousand 300 persons), compared to 2019.
In the mobile quarter under analysis, the population with suitable employment reached 3 million 102 thousand 400 persons and represented the 55.5% from the total of the Economically Active Population (PEA) of Lima Metropolitan area.
Unemployment rate stood at 6.6%
The INEI informed that the unemployment rate of Lima Metropolitan area was of 6.6%, being 0.6 percentage point lower than in the same mobile quarter of the 2022 (7.2%). In addition, compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2019, grew by 0.2 percentage point. It is estimated that 366 thousand 700 persons were looking for a job in Lima Metropolitan area.
Average monthly income coming from work in Lima Metropolitan area was of S/. 1,954.70 
During the mobile quarter under analysis, the average monthly income coming from work in Lima Metropolitan area stood in S/. 1,954.70 and increased in 10.4% compared to the same quarter of the year 2022. Meanwhile, compared to the same quarter of the year 2019 increased by 11.0%.