Heavy vehicular traffic at national level decreased 0.6% in June of 2023

Nota de prensa
flujo vehicular

22 de August de 2023 - 3:22 p. m.

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) informed that in June of 2023, the heavy vehicular traffic registered through the tollbooths of the country reduced by 0.6%, compared to the same month of 2022. This result was due to the negative behavior of the Construction, Agricultural and Manufacturing sectors that caused the lower demand of this type of vehicles for the distribution of its products; nevertheless, was mitigated by the greater demand of heavy cargo transport for the activities of Mining and Commerce.
The tollbooths with lower traffic were: to the north, in Cajamarca (Pomahuaca-Pucará -15.7%), Piura (Chulucanas -8.3%), La Libertad (Virú -7.4%, Chicama -6.5% and Pacanguilla -6.1%), Áncash (Huarmey -4.9%) and Lambayeque (Diversion Olmos -3.6%). In the south, Moquegua (Pampa Cuellar -18.9%), Puno (Santa Lucía -10.9%), Arequipa (Patahuasi -3.7%), Ica (Jahuay Chincha -3.3%), Apurímac (Pichirhua -1.3%) and Ayacucho (Pampa Galera -0.6%); and in the center, Junín (Casaracra -5.6% and Quiulla -1.7%) and Lima (Serpentine of Pasamayo -4.2%, Fortaleza -3.5%, El Paraíso -3.1% and Corcona -0.9%).
Vehicular traffic at national level increased by 2.0%
During the sixth month of the year, the National Rate of Vehicular Flow that registers the traffic flow of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles through the tollbooths across the country increased by 2.0% compared to the month of June of the last year. This was explained by the greater traffic flow light-duty vehicles (4.2%); nevertheless, this result was attenuated by the lower traffic flow of heavy-duty vehicles (-0.6%).
Traffic flow of light-duty vehicle traffic increased by 4.2%
During the month under analysis, the traffic flow of light-duty vehicle reported by the tollbooths of the country increased by 4.2% compared to the same month of 2022, affected by the greatest displacement of the families on the occasion of the celebrations of the Father’s Day, Feast of Inti Raymi and festivities of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in different regions of the country. Added to the long holiday that promoted the tourist, commercial and recreate activity.
The tollbooths that reported the highest traffic flow, were: to the north, in San Martín (Moyobamba 90.7%, Pongo 2.0% and Aguas Claras 0.5%), Piura (Paita 6.6%, Chulucanas 4.3% and Piura Sullana 0.02%) and La Libertad (Virú 6.5% and Chicama 0.8%). In the south, Ica (Marcona 14.6% and Jahuay Chincha 0.4%), Arequipa (Uchumayo-Concesión 13.4% and Matarani-Concesión 9.3%) and Moquegua (Pampa Cuéllar 4.3% and Ilo 3.5%); and in the center, Lima (El Paraíso 3.8% and Variant of Pasamayo 3.1%) and Junín (Quiulla 3.4%).
Traffic flow of heavy-duty vehicles of 3 to 7 axle decreased by 0.3%
During the month of June of 2023, the traffic flow of heavy-duty vehicles of 3 to 7 axle decreased by la 0.3% compared to the same month of the last year, explained by the reduction of the traffic flow of vehicles, such as, trailers, semi-trailers and cargo trucks of 5 axle (-2.7%) and 6 axle (-1.0%). While the traffic flow of vehicles of 3 axle (0.9%), 4 axle (3.0%) and 7 axle (5.1%).