Employed population in Lima Metropolitan area reached 5 million 223 thousand 400 persons during the quarter May-June-July of 2023

Nota de prensa
Empleo Lima

15 de August de 2023 - 10:12 a. m.

During the mobile quarter May-June-July of the current year, the employed population of Lima Metropolitan area reached 5 million 223 thousand 400 persons. Compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2022, increased by 3.1% (158 thousand 500 persons) and compared with the same quarter of the year 2019 (pre-pandemic) in 6.4% (315 thousand 200 persons). This was informed the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) in the Technical Report Situation of the Labor Market in Lima Metropolitan area, prepared with the results of the Permanent Survey of National Employment (EPEN) for the mobile quarter May-June-July of 2023.
According to levels of employment, the population with suitable employment was of 3 million 49 thousand 600 persons, increasing in 5.8% (167 thousand 100 persons), compared to the same quarter of the year 2022; while compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2019, decreased by 3.3% (-103 thousand 600 persons). 
On the other hand, the underemployed population decreased by 0.4% (-8 thousand 600 persons), compared with the same quarter of the year 2022. Meanwhile, compared with the same quarter of the year 2019, increased by 23.9% (418 thousand 800 persons).
The female employed population increased by 4.2%
During the mobile quarter under analysis, the female employed population increased by 4.2% (97 thousand 600 persons) and the male by 2.2% (60 thousand 900 persons). From the total of the employed population of Lima Metropolitan area, 54.1% (2 million 823 thousand 800) are men and 45.9% (2 million 399 thousand 600) were women.
The employed population aged 45 years old and over increased by 11.2%
According to age group, the employed population increased by 11.2% (192 thousand 100 persons) in the age group of 45 years old and over, followed by the population of 25 to 44 years old by 1.8% (46 thousand 600 persons), while, it decreased by 10.0% (-80 thousand 100 persons) among the population of 14 to 24 years old.
Employed population increased in the Services sector by 6.7%
During the mobile quarter May-June-July of 2023, the employed population grew in the sector of Services by 6.7% (183 thousand 400 persons), followed by Manufacture by 6.3% (42 thousand 400 persons), while it decreased by 0.5% (-5 thousand 600 persons) in Commerce and 19.3% (-84 thousand 500 persons) in Construction. 
Companies of 11 to 50 employees led the job creation
During the mobile quarter May-June-July of 2023, the employed population increased in the economic units of 11 to 50 employees by 31.5% (139 thousand 400 persons) and in the companies of 51 and more employees by 12.4% (162 thousand 700 persons). Meanwhile, it decreased by 4.3% (-143 thousand 600 persons) in the establishments of 1 to 10 employees. 
The unemployment rate of Lima Metropolitan area was of 6.3%
The unemployment rate of Lima Metropolitan area was of 6.3%, it means, 0.5 percentage point, lower compared to the same mobile quarter of 2022 (6.8%). It is estimated in 349 thousand 100 persons that were looking for a job actively in the capital city.
Average monthly income coming from work increased by 15.1%
During the quarter May-June-July 2023, the average monthly income coming from work from the main activity in Lima Metropolitan area was of 1,936.7 Soles, compared with the same mobile quarter of the year 2022, increased by 15.1% (253.6 Soles) and in 14.0% (237.1 Soles), compared to the same mobile quarter of the year 2019.