Production of mining and hydrocarbons sector grew 0.27% in February of 2023

Nota de prensa

1 de April de 2023 - 8:00 a. m.

In February 2023, the Mining and Hydrocarbons sector increased by 0.27% compared with the same month of the last year, due to the performance of the metal mining sector by 2.51%, based on the greater volume of copper production that grew by 10.8% and iron 38.3%; this was informed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics INEI) through the technical report Conjuncture Progress of the Economic Activity
On the other hand, the tin (-99.3%), molybdenum (-22.5%), lead (-10.1%), silver (-8.6%), zinc (-5.9%) and gold (-4.9%) production decreased. Also, the hydrocarbons subsector reduced by 11.53% before the lower exploitation of crude petroleum (-32.9%) and natural gas liquids (-6.3%), result that was attenuated by the greater production of natural gas (2.7%).
The production of Fishing sector increased by 8.96%
During the month under analysis, the Fishing sector grew by 8.96% explained by the greater extraction of species of maritime origin (11.40%), for direct human consumption intended for preparation of canning (34.30%), for freezing (12.69%) and consumption in fresh state (7.78%); meanwhile, shipment for preparation for curing decreased (-6.0%).
Likewise, fishing for indirect human consumption (resource anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil), registering an extraction of 43 864 tons that against the 41 519 tons reported in February 2022, showed an increase of 5.65%, due to the resource coming from the north and center zone, where the 2nd fishing season was concluded, during the first few days of the month of February. 
The fishing of continental origin contracted by 4.24% due to the lower extraction of species for freezing and preparation for curing. 
March of 2023 production of electricity subsector grew 7.70% according to preliminary figures
According to preliminary figures, as of March 29 of 2023, the production of electricity subsector increased by 7.70% due to the greater generation of thermoelectric origin energy (58.0%); nevertheless, the generation of hydroelectric origin energy (-12.3%) and renewable energies (-11.0%) decreased. 
According to companies, the production level of the following companies outstood: Engie, Termochilca, Kallpa Generación, Empresa de Generación Huallaga, Chinango, Egemsa, San Gabán, Celepsa and Enel Generación Perú.
Domestic cement consumption added six months of unfavorable behavior
The domestic cement consumption reduced by 15.63% compared to the month of February of 2022, as a result of the lower dynamism of the private Works and of self-construction works, recording six months of continue decrease. In this result influenced the lower demand level and internal factors that continue hampering the regular development of Works during the second month of this year.
General Government investment spending showed a progress of 31,97%
In February of 2023, the investment expense of the General Government (S/. 2 304 million) increased by 31.97% compared to the same month of the last year, due to the dynamism of the investments intended to construction; while, the investment in machinery, equipment and another actives acquisition decreased.
Likewise, the consumption expenditure of the General Government in nominal terms amounted S/ 8 788 million, registering an increase of 9.68%, compared to the same month of the last year.
Granting of consumer credits increased by 22.52%
During the second month of this year, consumer credits placed in S/ 70 321 million and showed a progress of 22.52%, compared with the same month of the last year. Likewise, mortgage loans amounted S/ 60 740 million, a higher figure by 7.28%; while the credits granted to companies reduced by 4.69% and amounted 220 853 million; compared to the same month of the year 2022.
On the other hand, the placement of credit cards of multiple banking placed in 6 million 772 thousand units and showed an increase of 9.88%, compared with February of the last year.
Total imports decreased by 7.66%
With information as of March 27 of this year, the total amount imported during February of 2023, placed in US$ 4 041 million and showed a contraction of 7.66%, compared to the value registered in February 2022. This result was associated to the lower acquisition of raw materials and intermediate products that reached US$ 2 113 million, registering a reduction of 12.60%; as well as the import of capital goods and construction materials by increasing in US$ 1 026 million, inferior amount by 4.69%.