61% of the country's population accessed to the Comprehensive Health Insurance in the fourth quarter of 2022

Nota de prensa
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22 de March de 2023 - 10:34 a. m.

In the fourth quarter of the year 2022, of the country’s population, 61.0% accessed to the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS), increasing in 6.0 percentage points, compared to the same quarter of the year 2021 (55.0%); this was informed to the National Institute of the Statistics and Informatics in the technical report Living Conditions in Peru, prepared with the results of the National Household Survey (ENAHO).
By residence area, this coverage reached to 54.7% of the urban area population and to the 86.7% of the rural area, increasing in 7.0 and 2.6 percentage points, respectively, compared with the same quarter of 2021.
Population seeking for medical care increases
During the fourth quarter of the year 2022, the population with some health problem that sought medical attention in a health center reached 43.5%. According to health center, 12.9% went to the establishments of Ministry of Health (MINSA), 5.3% went to a private practice, and 3.8% to establishments of the Social Health Insurance (EsSalud), meanwhile, 20.5% sought medical attention in a pharmacy or apothecary. Compared to the same quarter of the year 2021, the proportion of population with some health problem that sought medical attention increased in 9.1 percentage points; mainly, the medical consultations in MINSA establishments, that grew in 3.7 percentage points and in pharmacies or apothecary in 4.6 percentage points.
56.7% of the employed population aged 18 years old and over has some account in the financial system
During the last quarter of the year 2022, 56.7% of the employed population aged 18 years old and over has account in the financial system, whether savings account, remuneration account or current account. In urban area, this percentage reached 62.6% of the employed population.
According to age groups, the greater proportion of the employed population with some account in the financial system corresponded to the group of young people aged 18 to 29 years old (62.8%), followed by the population aged 30 to 44 years old (61.6%).
83.2% of the population aged 3 to 11 years old that attended public schools were benefited by the Breakfast Program Qali Warma
During the last quarter of the year 2022, 83.2% of the girls and boys aged 3 to 11 years old from public school were benefited by the breakfast program Qali Warma. In the urban area 80.5% of this population group received this program and 90.1% in the rural area.
16.3% of the households of the country have a bicycle
In the country from the total of households, 16.3% have bicycle, 14.8% automobile/truck, 12.0% motorcycle and 7.0% have moto-taxi. Compared to the same quarter of the year 2021, it is observed increases of 0.5 and 0.6 percentage points among the houses with motorcycle and moto-taxi, respectively.
84.4% of the population of the rural area lives in houses that have electric energy by public network 
During the fourth quarter of the year 2022, 84.4% of the resident population in the rural area accessed to electric energy through public network, while 99.0% in urban area had electric energy