Population Of Metropolitan Lima Oversomes 10 Million 151 Thousand Inhabitants

Nota de prensa

17 de January de 2023 - 11:02 a. m.

On the occasion of the 488th Anniversary of the Foundation of Lima, capital our country and baptized as the Ciudad de los Reyes (The city of the kings) by Francisco Pizarro, the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) informed that according to the estimations and projections of the population up until June 30 of the current year, Lima with its 43 Districts hosts 10 million 151 thousand inhabitants, which represents the 30.1% of the total population of the country (33 million 726 thousand inhabitants). 
According to sex, the 52.2% of the population are women (5 million 301 thousand) and the 47.8% are men (4 million 850 thousand). In relation to the age group and sex the population of Metropolitan Lima, it can be seen a greater proportion of women aged 15 to 39 years old compared to its male peers, by reaching 38.1% in the female population against the male one that represents the 36.9%. Likewise, it is observed a greater presence of women in the older adult population (60 years old and over) by concentrating 17.2% compared with the 16.6% of men in the mentioned age group. Meanwhile, in the age group 0 to 14 years old, the proportion of men (19.5%) overcomes that of women (17.7%); while in adults aged 40 to 59 years old the percentage of women and men is the same with 27.0%.
San Juan de Lurigancho concentrates 12.3% of the population
According to District, the greater population is concentrated in the District San Juan de Lurigancho with 1 million 245 thousand of inhabitants. Also, it is important to point out that the 58.4% of the inhabitants of the City of the Kings are concentrated in 10 Districts, headed by San Juan de Lurigancho (12.3%), followed by San Martin de Porres (7.7%), Ate (7.1%), Comas (5.8%), Villa María del Triunfo (4.5%), Villa El Salvador and Carabayllo (4.3%, each one), San Juan de Miraflores and Santiago de Surco (4.2%, each one) and Puente Piedra (4.1%).
Meanwhile, the 10 Districts with lower proportion of inhabitants in Metropolitan Lima are: Santa Maria del Mar, Punta Negra, San Bartolo, Pucusana, Punta Hermosa, Barranco, Cieneguilla, Santa Rosa, Chaclacayo and San Luis, which gather together the 2.8% of the population of the capital city.  
Surquillo has more inhabitants per square kilometer
In Metropolitan Lima population density reached 3 879,1 persons per square kilometer and by Districts it is observed that Surquillo is the one that has the greater population density with 29 863.3 inhab/km2, followed by Breña with 29 837.3 inhab/km2, Pueblo Libre 22 669.4 inhab/km2, La Victoria 21 734.7 inhab/km2 and Santa Anita with 21 497.7 inhabitants per square kilometer. Meanwhile that the Districts with lower population density are Punta Negra con 69.6 inhab/km2, Santa Maria del Mar 127.2 hab/km2, Cieneguilla 169.5 inhab/km2, Punta Hermosa 201.5 inhab/km2 and San Bartolo with 211.9 inhab/km2.
11.2% of the immigrant population that lives in Metropolitan Lima is from Junin
The capital city hosts thousands of compatriots of different parts of our country, so from the life-term immigrants that live in Lima, 112% come from Junin, followed by Ancash (8.6%), Cajamarca (7.3%), Lima Region (6.8%), Ayacucho (6.2%), Piura (6.0%) and Huanuco (5.7%).
67.6% of the population of Metropolitan Lima self-identifies as mixed race
In Metropolitan Lima, 67.6% of the population aged 12 years old and over self-identifies as mixed race, 17.1% indigenous, 7.2% white, 2.8% Afro-Peruvian, among others. By District, it can be observed that the 16.0% of the indigenous population is concentrated in the District of San Juan de Lurigancho and the 10.9% in Ate. Meanwhile, the 11.9% of the Afro-Peruvian population lives in San Juan de Lurigancho and the 9.4% in San Martin de Porres.
More than 100 thousand births were registered in Metropolitan Lima
In the year 2021 and according to the information of the Ministry of Health, in Metropolitan Lima were registered 118 thousand 655 births, from which 22.1% took place in the District of Lima, 6.9% in Comas, 6.3% in Villa El Salvador, 5.7% Ate, 5.6% San Juan de Lurigancho and 5.0% Miraflores.
According to the month of birth, in March was reported the greater number of births with 11 thousand 211, followed by January with 10 thousand 437 and May 10 thousand 372; while the month with lower number of births was November with 8 thousand 766 births.
Santiago de Surco registered the greater number of marriages
In the year 2021 and according to the information provided by the National Identification and Civil Status Registration (RENIEC), in Metropolitan Lima were reported 25 thousand 541 marriages, being the District of Santiago de Surco which registered the greater number of marriages celebrated with 1 thousand 736 which represented the 6.8% of the performed in the capital city; then it follows: Ate (5.9%), San Juan de Lurigancho (5.9%), Comas (5.4%), Lima (5.0%), San Juan de Miraflores (4.9%), Miraflores (4.6%), San Martin de Porres (4.4%) Los Olivos (4.3%) and Villa El Salvador (4.0%). It is worth to mention that these ten districts concentrate the 5.1% of the marriages reported.
According to the month of celebration, in December (3 161) there were registered the greater number of marriages in 2021; while, in February there were registered the lowest number (1 210).
77 out of 100 inhabitants of Metropolitan Lima have health insurance
The National Household Survey (ENAHO) revealed that the 76.8% of the population of Metropolitan Lima has health insurance. According to the type of insurance, the 40.2% have the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS) and the 29.5% have the Social Health Insurance (EsSalud). By sex, 73.5% and 79.9% of men and women had access to some type of health insurance.
50% of the population reached high-school education level
According to education level reached, 50.0% of persons between 15 years old and over that lives in Lima, has a high-school education level, 21.8% has university superior education level, 16.5% non-university superior education level, 10.2% elementary and 1.5% has childhood or no education level. 
More than 90% of the households have basic services
As of the year 2021 and according to the National Survey of Budgetary Programs (ENAPRES), 94.1% of the households of Metropolitan Lima have potable water service by public network; 91.4% have sewer service and 99.4% of households have access to public lighting by public network. 
67 out of 100 households have access to the Internet 
The results of the ENAHO of 2021, show that 67.2% of the households have the Internet service. Also, showed that the 84.1% of the population aged 6 years old and over uses this service. 
Regarding the access to other Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in the 97.3% of the households at least one member has a cellphone, 48.6% of the households have a computer and the 44.9% has access to the service of cable television. 
44.4% of the population is married or cohabitant
According to the ENAHO results of the year 2021, 44.4% of the population of Metropolitan Lima is married or cohabitant, 39.6% are single and 16.0% is separated, divorced or widow.