72,5 % Of The 6 Year-Old And Older Country Population Had Access To The Internet During The First 2022 Quarter

Nota de prensa

27 de June de 2022 - 12:57 p. m.

During the first three months of 2022, 73 out of 100 persons of 6 year of age and more had access to the internet in the country, figure that show a growth of 5,1 and 17,7 percentage points when comparing it to the 2021 semester (67,4%) and 2019 (54,8%) respectively. The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) provided this information through its technical report Statistics of the Information and Communication Technologies in Households, prepared along with the results of the National Households Survey (ENAHO).
By residence area, in Metropolitan Lima the internet user population reached 85,8%; the remaining urban, 76,4% while the rural area 40,9%
Population with internet access increased in every age group
From January to March of this year, the higher percentage increases of internet access were made in the population that goes from 6 to 11 years old (from 52,0% to 59,7%) and from 12 to 18 years old (from 79,7% to 85,8%). Followed by the population of 60 years old and more (from 29,8% to 35,4%) from 41 to 59 years old (from 62,7% to 67,7%), from 25 to 40 years old (from 80,9% to 85,8%) and from 19 to 24 years old (from 90,0% to 92,8%) in relation to the same quarter of 2021.
Mobile phone is the main instrument of internet access
From January to March 2022, 66,7% of the population of 6 years old and more that gets to connect to the Internet made that from a mobile phone, 19,2%  from their house and mobile phone and 5,6% only from their houses, 3,3% from their house, work and mobile phone and 5,2% from other places.
90,6% of the population of 6 years and more use Internet daily
During the first analysis quarter, 91 out of 100 persons from 6 years old and more that have internet Access, used internet daily. When comparing this figure to the same quarter of years 2021 and 2019, it can be observed that there are increases from 3,8 and 11,8 percentage points, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the level of internet use is similar between men and women.
76,2% of the households in Metropolitan Lima has internet service
In the study quarter, 76 out of 100 households in Metropolitan Lima had connection to the internet service, which represents an increase of 14,1 percentage points compared to the same quarter in 2021. The remaining urban went from 52,3% to 61,1% (increased 8,8 percentage points); in the rural area from 12,9% to 18,8% (5,9 percentage points); and, nationwide, from 46,8% to 56,9% (10, 1 percentage points).
95,0% of households of the country have at least one service of Communication and Technology Information
In the first quarter of 2022, 95,0% of the country households had access to at least one service of Information and Communication Technology (IT), indicator that shows the increase from 0,2 and 1,9 percentage points, when comparing to the same quarter of the years 2021 and 2021, respectively.
According to the education level of the household head, the Access to IT tools in households that have a head with higher non-university education increased in 0,6 percentage points when compared to the similar period in 2021; in households that have a head with higher university education, in 0,5 percentage points. Nevertheless, in households with a head that reached elementary education or less, a significant change was not registered.
81,0% of households in the country only have mobile phone
During the analysis quarter, 81,0% of the households of the country only had mobile phone, coverage that showed an increase from 2,3 and 11,6 percentage points when compared to the same quarter of years 2021 (78,7%) and 2019 (69,4%), respectively. Also, 13,1% of the households had landline phone and mobile phone at the same time, 0,4% only landline phone and 5,5% didn’t have any of services mentioned before.