Peru: Economic and Financial Characteristics of Business, 2019


29 de February de 2024

The document “Peru: Economic and Financial Characteristics of Business, 2019”, prepared with information coming from the Annual Economic Survey 2020 (Economic exercise 2019), that is executed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) and in coordination with the Sectoral Offices of the Statistical National System (SEN).
The Annual Economic Survey provide classified information of Big, Medium, Small and Micro-enterprises with sales greater than 50 UIT over sales, employed personnel, remunerations, productivity levels of productivity, expenses, state of financial situation, state of results by nature, movement of fixed active, depreciation, taxes, stocks, produced volumes, production costs, among others. Among the main uses of the survey, it is worth to mention the importance of the information as one of the main inputs to strengthen the System of National Accounts, as well as the preparation of macro-economic aggregates and financial economic indicators by sectors. Likewise, is a permanent source for the update of the of the Central Directory of Business and Establishments of Peru.

This publication belongs to the compendium Economy 

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Economía


Vista preliminar de documento Perú: Características Económicas y Financieras de las Empresas, 2019

Perú: Características Económicas y Financieras de las Empresas, 2019

1.6 MB
Vista preliminar de documento Cuadros en Excel - Perú: Características Económicas y Financieras de las Empresas,2019

Cuadros en Excel - Perú: Características Económicas y Financieras de las Empresas,2019

428 KB