Family farming in Peru: challenges and possibilities for its transformation within the context of the sustainable development goals (SDG)


12 de February de 2024

This research has as general objective to identify and quantify structural factors that come into play in the performance of the family farming in Peru and limits its transformation, in such a way that agricultural families reach suitable and sustainable incomes in time between the specific objectives are to estimate the causal relations between structural factors and variables of production and incomes of families and analyze the temporary trajectories of the mentioned variables for the period under analysis 2012-2022, among others.

This publication belongs to the compendium Researches

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Researches


Vista preliminar de documento Agricultura familiar en el Perú: retos y posibilidades para su transformación en el contexto de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)

Agricultura familiar en el Perú: retos y posibilidades para su transformación en el contexto de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)

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