Victimization in Peru 2015-2022


26 de July de 2023

The present document entitled Victimization in Peru 2015-2022, have seven chapters where it is detailed the purpose and the objectives of the research, methodological issues of the survey, the analysis and presentation of the results obtained, among other subjects. Additionally, the data base of this statistical research is in the INEI web page: and hence; it is possible to make multiple crossings of variables and different statistical analysis and correlational studies, for which the present document shows just some results of the many that the researchers can use in their studies. We hope this document of this research can be helpful to the understanding and solution of this social problem.

This publication belongs to the compendium Socials 

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Sociales


Vista preliminar de documento Publicación Victimización en el Perú 2015 - 2022

Publicación Victimización en el Perú 2015 - 2022

19.7 MB
Vista preliminar de documento Libro electrónico (Anexos)

Libro electrónico (Anexos)

2.2 MB