Peru: Departmental Economic Outlook N° 6: June 2023


23 de June de 2023

During April of 2023, the country’s productive activity slightly increased in 0.31%, explained by the positive result of the following sectors Mining and Hydrocarbons, Commerce, Accommodation and Restaurants, Transportation and Electricity, mainly; meanwhile, registered negative behavior, the activities of Agricultural, Telecommunications, Financial, Manufacturing, Construction and Fishing. It should be noted that the development of the national production in the regions was affected by the weather changes due to the presence of the Coastal El Niño Phenomenon that caused heavy rains in the northern coast and center, in addition in the northern  highlands and western central area of the country; likewise, due to the delay of the first season of anchovy season.

This publication belongs to the compendium Departmental Economic Outlook 

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Departmental Economic Outlook


Vista preliminar de documento Perú: Panorama Económico Departamental N° 6: Junio 2023

Perú: Panorama Económico Departamental N° 6: Junio 2023

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