Bulletin of Services Sector N° 2 – February 2023


22 de February de 2023

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) presents the results of the Monthly Survey on Services that shows the behavior of the activities of commerce, restaurants and services rendered to companies sector during December 2022. In this month, Commerce sector registered an increase of 1.80%, Restaurants 4.50% and Services Rendered to Companies in 1.12%. It must be noted that this results have as comparison base December 2021, month in which continued the progressive resumption of the economic activities started on May 2020, within the framework of the Extension of the sanitary emergency due to the presence of the Covid-19 in the country.
This publication belongs to the compendium Services Sector 

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Services Sector


Vista preliminar de documento 02 Informe Técnico Enc Mensual de Serv Dic 2022.pdf

02 Informe Técnico Enc Mensual de Serv Dic 2022.pdf

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