Monthly Rate of National Production (Seasonally Adjusted Figures) – December 2022


21 de February de 2023

In December of 2022, the National Production Rate seasonally adjusted registered a slight fall of 0.2% compared with the previous month, keeping a negative trend by third consecutive month. This result mainly answers to the contractive behavior of the following sectors: construction, agricultural, manufacturing, agricultural, commerce and other services.
This publication belongs to the compendium National Production (Seasonally Adjusted Figures). 

Esta publicación pertenece al compendio National Production (Seasonally Adjusted Figures)


Vista preliminar de documento 02 Informe Técnico Indice de Cifras Desestacionalizadas - Dic 2022.pdf

02 Informe Técnico Indice de Cifras Desestacionalizadas - Dic 2022.pdf

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