National Household Survey – ENAHO 2024
31 de January de 2024
The National Household Survey started in the year 1995, started in the year 1995, is since 2003 that is carried out on a continuous way, in the urban and rural area across the country and it get annual information with departmental disaggregation. 3,070 selected households by selected randomly method; has a panel component of 30% of the sample.
Is a continuous statistics activity, that allows to obtain updated information about the living conditions, expenses and revenues of the households, and essentially know the evolution of the monetary poverty level in the country. The workload assigned to the interviewer in the urban area are 6 households and in the rural area 8 households; in each household collection of information of all members of the household, through face-to-face interviews that are complement with telephone interviews.
1. To generate indicators that allows knowing the evolution of monetary poverty, of the welfare and the live conditions of the households.
2. To carry out diagnosis about living conditions and monetary poverty of the population.
3. To measure the scoop of food and non-food social programs in order to improve living conditions of the population.
4. To serve as information source to of public and private institutions, as well as researches.
5. To allow the comparability with the same researches, related with the investigated variables.
Interview method
Interview method
Direct interview method is used with properly trained personnel to that effect, who visit selected households and perform direct interview to people aged 12 years old and older during the period of information collection. Face-to-face interviews are complemented with telephone interviews.
Instrument of data collection
Since the year 2010, the survey collects the information in mobiles devices of data capture, in its beginnings with PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) equipment and since 2016 with Tablet with data plan for online shipment of the information at the end of the interview.
Contact us
Mrs. Lucia Gaslac Torres Mr. Willian Góngora Montalvo
Project Manager Head of National Field
203-2640 Ext. 9355 332-5596/652-0138 Ext. 9417
Contact us
Mrs. Lucia Gaslac Torres Mr. Willian Góngora Montalvo
Project Manager Head of National Field
203-2640 Ext. 9355 332-5596/652-0138 Ext. 9417
This publication belongs to the compendium Survey and Records
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Encuestas y Registros