Screening of Peruvian Film “Retablo” in Latin LGBTQ Film Festival in Bangkok


Fotos: Bangkok Art & and Culture Centre

18 de September de 2020 - 12:00 p. m.

Tonight, the Latin LGBTQ Film Festival ended with a successful screening of the Peruvian film "Retablo" by director Alvaro Delgado-Aparicio. This festival, organized by the Embassies of Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Spain, and Peru in Bangkok at the prestigious Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC), had begun in March 2020, but was suspended due to COVID-19 and reinstated 10 September under strict safety and social distancing measures.

Before the screening of "Retablo", the Ambassador of Peru gave brief words of thanks as part of the closing ceremony of the festival and presented the Peruvian film, highlighting the importance of the LGBTQ issues for the coexistence, inclusion, and harmonious development of the different societies, and also noted the role of films as a tool to promote person-to-person contact between peoples.

Additionally, a message by director Alvaro Delgado-Aparicio was projected, greeting the audience in Bangkok and sharing some aspects of the film with the public, which was highly appreciated.

Among the attendees were heads of diplomatic missions and other members of diplomatic corps accredited in Thailand, officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Cultures of Thailand, former ambassadors of Thailand to Peru, young students and Spanish professors from various Thai universities as well as many film fans, among others.

Everyone also had the opportunity to admire a small sample of Peruvian Retablos exhibited for the occasion, which elicited great admiration as it is one of the biggest displays of the Andean cultural and religious syncretism in Peru.