Peru authorizes the entry of in vitro orchid plants from Thailand

Nota Informativa
Peru authorizes the importation of in vitro orchid plants from Thailand, according to the corresponding phytosanitary protocol.
Imagen de orquídeas

5 de January de 2021 - 12:00 a. m.

Thursday, 17 December 2020, the official daily newspaper "El Peruano" published the Directorial Resolution no. 0023-2020-MIDAGRI-SENASA DSV, through which Peru authorizes the importation of in vitro orchid plants from Thailand, according to the corresponding phytosanitary protocol. This includes in vitro orchid plants from genera Phalaenopsis spp., Dendrobium spp., Paphiopedilum spp. y Cymbidium spp. 

This decision is a new example of the dynamism of bilateral relations between Peru and Thailand in the field of economic and trade cooperation.

It is worth recalling that on 10 November 2020, Peru and Thailand celebrated the 55th anniversary of the beginning of their bilateral diplomatic relations.