Gobierno británico retira al Perú de lista roja para viajes y reconoce certificados de vacunación emitidos por el Gobierno peruano

Nota Informativa

29 de October de 2021 - 7:29 a. m.

British Government removes Peru from the travel red list and recognises vaccination certificates issued by the Peruvian Government

- On 28 October the British Government announced the removal of Peru from its travel red list.

- Travellers arriving from Peru may enter the United Kingdom from 1 November 4 am GMT.

- The British government has included Peru in its "approved covid-19 vaccination programmes" list and, therefore, will recognise the vaccination certificates issued by the Peruvian Government for the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer BioNTech vaccines. Persons vaccinated in Peru with these two vaccines may enter the United Kingdom without a quarantine.

- Those who have not been vaccinated with the Oxford/AstraZeneca or Pfizer BioNTech vaccines may enter the United Kingdom, but they must quarantine for ten days in the place of their choosing and take covid-19 tests before and after their trip. The details can be checked at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19#if-you-are-not-fully-vaccinated

London, 29 October 2021