Bars and restaurants in Washington D.C. showcase the versatility and quality of Pisco

At the Pisco Night organized by the Embassy of Peru in the U.S.
Pisco Night 1
Pisco Night 2
Pisco Night 3
Pisco Night 4
Pisco Night 5

3 de October de 2023 - 12:00 p. m.

On September 28th, the Embassy of Peru in the United States, in collaboration with several pisco brands and renowned bars and restaurants in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, organized the first Pisco Night, with the aim of promoting our flagship drink, its versatility, aroma and flavor, as well as promoting tourism in the production areas. The meeting brought together representatives of the food and beverage industry, as well as the U.S. Government, Congress, international organizations and the private sector.

The event was structured in two parts: in the first part, a private tasting was organized for members of the food and beverage industry, which was led by Glendon Hartley, Beverage Director of the Amazonia restaurant and Representative of the Caravedo Pisco brand. This segment also included interventions by representatives of the AlPisco and La Diablada brands.

The second part was a reception at which the seven participating restaurants and bars prepared innovative cocktails with the piscos of the participant brands, which were complemented with pisco sour and traditional appetizers of Peruvian gastronomy.

In his remarks, the Ambassador of Peru, Gustavo Meza Cuadra, highlighted that the United States is the main destination for pisco exports to the world, accounting for 36% of the total. He also mentioned that, according to data from 2022, another 40 markets worldwide imported our flagship beverage and that demand continues to grow year after year.

The event was developed in collaboration with six pisco brands present in the United States: AlPisco, Caravedo, Logía, Picasso, Suyo, La Diablada and Barsol. Seven renowned bars and restaurants from the Washington D.C. metropolitan area also participated in the event: Allegory, Amazonía, China Chilcano, No Goodbyes, Michele's, Serenata and Seven Reasons.