Webinar about New High-Performance Schools

The Embassy of Peru in the USA is very pleased to extend you an invitation to an upcoming webinar by the Private Investment Promotion Agency of Peru (Proinversión), with the aim of presenting the following project: “Infrastructure, Complementary Services, and Contribution to the Educational Management for New High-Performance Schools in the Regions of Pasco, Huancavelica, and Cusco”.

The said event, to be held on Tuesday, April 28th, at 9:00 am. (PET), will provide information on the technical, legal, and financial characteristics of the aforementioned project, which will be executed through a Public-Private Partnership.   

Online registration is available at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eRLlsoNfTeWOii73U6qO6w 

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