2021 Peruvian Infrastructure Investment Roadshow

Campaña finalizada
2021 Peruvian Infrastructure Investment Roadshow
We are very pleased to extend to you an invitation to the Peruvian Infrastructure Investment Roadshow, presenting the infrastructure projects portfolio 2021 of the Private Investment Promotion Agency of Peru (Proinversión).
The event will take place on Tuesday, January 26th, from 11:00 am. – 1:00 pm. (ET), and is oriented to investors, companies, and institutions with international experience in infrastructure projects of energy, electric transmission, distribution, gas, water, sanitation, transportation, hospital and school construction, among others.
The roadshow flyer is enclosed. The event will be held simultaneously for companies in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and will include a presentation about the Peruvian macroeconomic and legal framework for investments. That will be followed by questions and answers. Online registration is available in the following link: https://ey.zoom.us/webinar/register/8616098549105/WN_ZXIEU0iMQbaqjz8_l1XYMQ 
For additional information, please contact Counselor Samuel Ashcallay, from the Economic Department of the Embassy of Peru in the US. We would greatly appreciate if you could circulate the aforementioned information.