Check data in the INEI District Information System

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Through the System of District information for the Public Management, you will find data about the main indicators in the demographic, social and economic fields. You will also have vital, municipal, about environment, science and technology statistics all of the districts of Peru.

The platform have information collected of the official sources of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), that is useful as a guide to create and evaluate projects at regional and local level. This service also have statistical reports reflected through dashboards with graphics, maps and tabular data.

Modalidad: Online

Before initiate, you must know:

To initiate, you have to make click in Enter and select one of the 7 options of the Subject Index that is in the left side. Then, choose the sub-subject and indicator that you want to check. Make a click in the icon with the symbol plus (+) to add additional options of search.

Each indicator selected have 2 icons. The one that have a shape of an eye is to visualize the information searched in the map and the (X) to eliminate the indicator that you added. You can also use the button with a small broom to erase all the indicators and start again.

Each tine that you made your research, the system will show a caption with dimensions value colors that appear in the Peru’s map.

If you need to search statistical information of some specific department, province or district in specific, you may click on the tab Search Location and type the name of the place.

The information can also be unloaded in XLSX format (Excel).

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